Welcome to the RNC weekly newsletter - The Republican Week - bringing you the biggest moments from the week.


THE MAIN THING: RNC Sues Vermont Cities For Allowing Non-Citizens To Vote 




Defending Election Integrity: The Republican National Committee and the Vermont GOP filed a lawsuit this week against the cities of Montpelier and Winooski, Vermont over their new town charters that allow non-citizens to vote in their municipal elections.

  • Earlier this year, the Democrat-controlled Vermont General Assembly voted to let two towns in the state “allow non-citizens to vote” in local elections.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the charters exemplify how Democrats seek to “dismantle the integrity of our elections.” 

  • “Republicans are fighting back on this far-left assault against election integrity -- unlike radical Democrats, we believe that our elections should be decided solely by American citizens,” she said. “This is a matter of principle and we will fight in all 50 states to ensure this remains the case.”

This is part of Democrats’ radical agenda to undermine faith and integrity in our elections by letting non-citizens vote in local elections.

  • The RNC is also engaged in an important lawsuit in Pennsylvania, calling on Pennsylvania's Democrat-run Department of State to reveal records related to a potentially massive flaw in the integrity of Pennsylvania's election system.

The bigger picture: Americans reject letting non-citizens vote, with 71 percent of voters opposing San Francisco’s decision to let non-citizens vote in school board elections.

Bottom line: Allowing non-citizens to decide American elections is a blatant attack on election integrity and violates the state constitution which requires Vermont voters to be U.S. citizens. 


Biden Lied: Congressional Hearings Expose Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster

President Joe Biden has some questions to answer following this week’s House and Senate hearings on his Afghanistan withdrawal disaster.

What was said: In Tuesday’s hearing, General Kenneth McKenzie said point-blank, “I recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan…I also have a view that the withdraw of those forces would inevitably lead to the collapse of the Afghan military forces, and eventually the Afghan government.” General Mark Milley said he made a similar recommendation.

But… but… but...: In an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in August, Biden claimed “no one” advised him to leave 2,500 soldiers in Afghanistan to maintain stability.

  • White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked to back up Biden’s claim that military advice was “split” in Tuesday's press briefing. She could not. 
  • She was asked to point to a military commander who backed Biden. She could not.

“Biden repeatedly claimed he was never warned of the deadly consequences of his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan,” Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said. 

  • Today’s hearing shows that is not true, and Biden lied to the American people. Because of him, our enemies are empowered, America’s credibility is damaged, and Americans are still trapped behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. The buck stops with Biden, and he must be held accountable for his failures.”

Free of Fear: RNC Releases First Installment of Hispanic Heritage Month Video Series




The Republican National Committee (RNC) released a new video-series entitled “Free of Fear” in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month.

  • The RNC is highlighting Hispanic voices of those working at the RNC. The series highlights their personal stories and why they are proud to be Republicans.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel announcing the series: “I am proud of the inroads and investments the RNC has made in the Hispanic community,”

  • This month and every month, we value the Hispanic voices within our Party making a difference in communities across the country. We’ve seen Republican support surge among Hispanics as they continue to reject the Democrats’ socialist agenda. Our message of freedom, prosperity and opportunity resonates with all Americans.”

RNC Hispanic Communications Director Jaime Florez added: “The best thing that I found in this country is that it was possible to leave your house in the morning giving your daughter a kiss, knowing that you were going to be back in the afternoon to give her another one. I didn't feel that when she was born and I was living in my country."

The RNC will be opening 4 Hispanic Community Centers during Hispanic Heritage Month – Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Doral, Florida; and McAllen and San Antonio, Texas.

  • To kick-off Hispanic Heritage Month, the RNC, opened a Hispanic Community Center in the heart of downtown Milwaukee. Watch the recap of the Milwaukee opening here.


Democrats in Disarray: $3.5 Trillion Delusion

Biden has already spent trillions on his left-wing laundry list. Now he’s looking to spend $3.5 trillion more. That’s the equivalent of $27,000 in new spending for every single household in America.

  • Meaning what for Americans: Biggest tax increase in decades for nearly ALL American families. 

That hasn’t stopped Biden and Democrats from insisting their reckless spending will cost zero dollars.

  • That’s false.

Where things stand: Democrats are in disarray.

  • Biden’s radical agenda is in jeopardy as his party feuds. Americans know his Build Back Broke policies are going to hurt working families, cause prices to skyrocket, and bankrupt our country.

Stopping The Democrats: “Americans and small businesses are already experiencing rising prices and a worker shortage, and yet Biden and Democrats are forcing a $3.5 trillion socialist wish list and the largest tax increase in decades,” said RNC Spokesperson Nathan Brand. 

  • “Prices of everyday goods, from gas to groceries, continue to skyrocket and Americans simply cannot afford trillions more in inflationary spending. Higher prices and higher taxes are here to stay thanks to Joe Biden’s failed policies, and American workers are bearing the burden."

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