Republican Rundown 5/28/2021


May 28, 2021

Vol. 2, No.6






At the May 17th Executive Committee meeting, the new RedUp Forsyth County campaign was approved.  What does that mean?  Our new logo (shown above) will be featured on all our materials.  It has two meanings – it is a Pennsylvania Amish saying that means to clean up as in “I am going to red up my room”.  We are going to clean up the Forsyth County Republican Party and move forward. The second meaning is that we intend to turn Forsyth County RED again.  So, what do we expect from you? 

Executive Committee approved asking the members of both the Central and Executive Committees to donate $22.00 a month every month for the next two years.  We need a steady stream of income on which we can rely in order to RedUp Forsyth County.  Please go to and donate $22.00 a month or an amount you can afford.  You can donate more, send in a lump sum if you do not wish to use your credit card.  If you are unable to donate $22, we ask that you please donate something to support our RedUp campaign and the FCGOP.   

If you missed the Executive Committee meeting, you missed a good one.  Besides approving the new campaign, logo and budget, we heard from our State Treasurer, Dale Folwell and NCGOP Chairman, Michael Whatley. 






Recently I submitted a letter to the editor of the Winston-Salem Journal and they printed it.  In case you missed it, here is a link: Letters to the Editor.  It deals with Critical Race Theory.

The NC State Board of Elections is proposing various rule changes impacting our elections (surprise surprise surprise).  We all need to take a few moments and let them hear from us.  Click here to leave a message for Democrats, and let them know that Grassroots Republicans will not stand for bureaucrats meddling in our elections.  There are two major areas of concern with these changes in rules:

  • The NCSBE proposed rule changes regarding poll observers would make it nearly impossible for volunteers to continuously observe the voting process.

  • The proposed change to add any flat surface over 3’x5’ to the definition of a billboard is overly broad and could have a chilling effect on free speech and lead to arbitrary enforcement. 

Here is a proposed letter.  Please change it to suit you and submit your comments today.

Dear Board of Election Members,

I am writing to disagree with some of the proposed rule changes. First, I don’t think it's fair or wise to limit the number of poll observers in our elections. These poll observers are volunteers and cost the state absolutely nothing. We should make it easier for observers to protect the integrity of our elections. All this proposed rule would do is keep citizens out of the polls, which increases the likelihood of fraud and decreases public confidence. Second, why are we changing the definition of a billboard? This really seems like you’re changing the meaning of the definition to litigate and silence views that you disagree with.  Please stop playing political games. We should be encouraging our citizens to be involved in our democratic process, not cracking down on political participation. As a North Carolina voter, I implore you to rise above these partisan games and vote against these proposed rule changes.



Congratulations to our Chairman Ken Raymond for having the good sense to marry Vertie Moore on May 22nd.  The Republicans in Rockingham are sad to lose her but we are delighted to welcome her into our Forsyth County Republican family.




BLEXIT is an organization founded by Candance Owens which combines the words “Blacks & Exit”.  The purpose of the BLEXIT movement is to persuade as many “blacks” to “exit” the Democrat Party as possible. 

NC BLEXIT wants to hold a Freedom Fest event here in Winston Salem on Saturday, June 26th.  The event will coincide with Juneteenth which marks the end of slavery.  BLEXIT uses this holiday to educate African Americans on the historical truth of the Democrat Party which is truly the party of oppression. 

We will be actively supporting and promoting this event.  As soon as we a location and time, we will start advertising.  Wherever it is and whenever it is, please mark your calendar now for Saturday, June 26.  We hope you will come and support BLEXIT's efforts to spread the truth about the actions of the Democrats over they years.  They have tried to re-write history making it appear they “freed” the slaves and Republicans  prevented freedom.  In reality, the opposite is true!  The Republican Party was founded to “Free the Slaves” and have been at the forefront of every piece of civil rights legislation since.  Let’s work to set the record straight. 


Come out and join the fun in an old fashioned Independence Day gathering of patriots.  We will have celebrity chefs (elected officials), games and free food.  In addition, we will be raffling off a gun with 120 rounds of ammo.  Tickets can be purchased at $35 for 1 and $100 for 3.  Make sure you RSVP.  We definitely want to have enough hotdogs and hamburgers with fixings for everyone!! 


The Forsyth County Republican Women (FCRW) met Thursday, May 27th, at Little Richard’s on Stratford Road.  It was an awesome event with over 80 people in attendance.  The first speaker was Michael Whatley, Chair, NCGOP.  We then heard from Former Governor of North Carolina, Patrick McCrory; Current 13th District U.S. House Representative Ted Budd; Former 6th District U.S. House Representative Mark Walker; Jen Banwart, formerly with the U.S. Department of Defense; and Brunswick County Commissioner J. Martin Cooke. Interesting fact:  this was the first time all five announced candidates for the U.S. Senate were in the room at the same time speaking to the same group. 

For further information contact Terri Mrazek at [email protected]


The Forsyth County Republican Men’s Club (FCRM) will meet Monday, June 14 at 6:30 pm at Little Richard’s on Stratford Road.  Keep an eye out for details on speakers. Scott Arnold is the President and can be reached at [email protected].  Please visit their Facebook page.   


June 4-6

North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) Convention

June 4-6, 2021

Greenville Convention Center, Greenville, NC

Additional information can be found at:       

June 12

Red Up Yoga Pop Up

Jamison Park

8:30am registration - 9:00am Yoga class

Bring your own mat

June 12



Learn how to Expose Voter Fraud

Calvary Baptist Church, 536 South Main Street

King, NC,  9am - 4pm  Please bring your laptop.

June 22

NC Federation of Republican Women

Legislative Day

NC General Assembly, Legislative Office Building

300 N Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC  27603

10am - 3:30pm

June 26

BLEXIT Freedom Fest

Details forthcoming

June 28

NC Victory Tour Luncheon

Brookstone Inn

Details are forthcoming

July 4

6th District Proud to be an American Independence Day

Picnic and Gun Raffle

Groome Inn, 4719 Groometown Road, Greensboro

1:00-3:00 pm, No charge 

Games and hotdogs and hamburgers

Tickets can be purchased at $35 for 1 and $100 for 3

September 18


Special Event with Lt. Governor Mark Robinson

Legacy Stables and Event Center

Forsyth County Republican Party

Chairman: Ken Raymond

Phone (336) 724-6000

Email: [email protected]

